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To let mothers know they are with them, Yoplait has created a hotline where people can ring in to complain about and judge moms they encounter.

1-833-MOM-TIPS is a real hotline setup and managed by Yoplait that collects mothering tips, advice, and judgements from anonymous callers. The purpose? To listen to unwanted and unasked for advice so that mothers don’t have to. Multiple options are presented to callers ranging from pressing “2” if they see a mom nursing in public to choosing to speak to a live mother. This move by Yoplait is yet another activation in their “Mom On” campaign that aims to show support for mothers handling the ups and downs of a busy life.

Yoplait’s cheeky campaign is successful for two reasons. First, it shows it understands its consumer on a deeper level, which leads to trust and ultimately brand loyalty. Second, it finds a unique and entertaining way to engage the public. While the hotline is not meant for moms directly, it captures attention by involving a secondary target.