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Swipp is a new tool intended to measure how people all over the world feel about a certain topic. Users can enter or review certain terms and rate them on a scale a -5 to +5 and add comments. All of the ratings and comments are compiled to give each term an overall score, in real-tine. In addition to a term’s score, users can review demographic information of other users who have rated an item, as well as trend information over time. To use Swipp, one must log in via Facebook Connect. Swipp’s founder sees the tool as a good resource for reality TV shows that rely on viewer votes (like The Voice) and shopping reviews. Later this month, Swipp will launch an app exclusively for the Superbowl, Swipper Bowl. Users can Swipp to see how people around the world view the teams, players and even commercials. If it takes off, the app could have potential as a research tool for brands and marketers.  It will be interesting to watch and see if any brands will use the Swipp as a tool.

Read more here or start Swipping.