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Sick of having to send mass emails while knowing the recipients are not reading them. Startup SendHub developed an SMS product, marketing to individuals that send mass messages to up to 5,000 people at a time. Based on research reports in 2011, 97% of text messages are read, with 90% of them being read within the first 4 to 6 minutes of receiving them. Since the start of the site in January, they have seen a growth of about 20% each week. This system was originally built for businesses, but they have seen a rapid growth with teacher use. For most professors, sending an email and expecting everyone to read it is slim, and if there is an urgent message there is a small chance that the email is being read immediately. Rather than sending a text message to their students using their personal phone, they can send a mass SMS to their students and not have to worry about giving out a personal line. To learn more about this new business venture visit Mashable.