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Salutoo Skins has recently released a new iPhone skin that’s made out of a special material that has the ability to stick to any desired surface. The first of its kind, Salutoo plans to market this as a very useful tool for situations ranging from a personal wall mirror, to an auto-navigational accessory, to a recipe screen while cooking. Made of “high-quality epoxy skin that protects your iPhone from scratches and improves its look and feel,” this invention could be a fine tool for digital marketing strategists to make use of when executing mobile strategies or when making trending, relevant posts on various social media platforms. The ability to prop up your phone camera for photo-ops with no hassels is known to be a difficult process and Salutoo has temporarily solved this problem for smartphone users. Although the frustration that comes with some of these tasks can be eliminated, there is one slight kink in Salutoo’s armor — this type of stickiness won’t adhere for extended periods of time. This may become a catalyst for research and development sectors of other phone skin-manufacturers to jump at the opportunity. Given that the beginning stages of using this as a marketing strategy could potentially having strong roots in both mobile and social marketing integration, sticky skin will be something that digitally-savvy brands will want to put on their radar. Find out more here.