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To promote the new release of Terminator Genisys, Red Robin recently launched a digital campaign that allows consumers to have lunch through the eyes of the Terminator.

Using a dual-screen experience and the Red Robin banner ad, consumers can have a virtual lunch with Red Robin’s spokeswoman as the T-800 Terminator. Consumers can activate terminator vision by entering a unique code into their smartphone browser, and then holding the phone up to their desktop screen. Once activated, consumers can go in and out of terminator vision by simply turning their phone to and from the desktop screen. More importantly, there isn’t an app download needed. The experience is a simple, yet fun and engaging way to promote both the film and the burger chain’s promotional menu for the movie. To further the promotion, Red Robin has a Facebook and Twitter overlay that encourages consumers to upload a photo of their Terminator Genisys burger to win free burgers for a year.