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Ralph Lauren invites consumers to be a part of their new 2014 Fall line, Denim & Supply. The campaign, “Project Warehouse” features multiple artists including, DJ/Producer, AVICII, Painter, Alexa Meade, and Illustrator/Sculptor, Arran Gregory; each tasked with creating a project inspired by the Denim & Supply line.

The campaign engages fans by offering them the chance to be included in the creative process. The campaign takes place in three phases or ‘missions,’ that focus on one of the collaborators and allows fans to enter their own content. For instance, Alexa Meade’s mission is creating a piece of ‘living art’ and fans were asked to submit a photo of themselves on Instagram for a chance to be in her next piece. PSFK describes the campaign, “[Content] will be curated into a streamlined digital hub, integrated brand videos, artist videos, user submissions, behind-the-scenes videos and the products that inspired these artistic endeavors, ultimately bringing the whole experience to life in a multi-dimensional way.”

As Ralph Lauren explores the creative process and encourages their fans to join in the fun, the campaign brings to life the power between fashion and self-expression, which ultimately drives an emotional connection between participating consumers and Ralph Lauren.

Read more about each mission here, and share with us other campaigns that have included content curation and creation from fans.