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Norton Antivirus, a software brand, has delivered a three part video series for its latest campaign. It’s called Santa Got Hacked.

The videos tell the story of Santa’s computer catching the Bah-Hum-Bug virus, and hackers holding his Naughty or Nice list for ransom. To go alongside the videos, Norton also created relevant content such as “8 Kinds of Apps on the Naughty List” and “10 Things Santa Is Afraid Hackers Will Find on His Computer” for sites like Mashable, The Daily Beast, Gizmodo and Life Hacker to publish.

The goal of this campaign was to get people thinking about cybercrime during the holidays. (And of course, to buy Norton Antivirus software). A fake login site stealing personal info is very likely during the holiday season when online shopping is at a high point so choosing an iconic holiday theme was smart. Accompanying the videos with promotional content for tech sites to publish was even smarter. That written content could potentially be just as, if not more shareable than the videos. Overall, this campaign is entertaining in a way that you wouldn’t expect from a software company and successfully keeps the viewer engaged throughout each video. Well done, Norton.