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During its Super Bowl commercial, Michelob Ultra Pure Gold announced the start of a new program, the 6-For-6 Pack, that gives consumers the opportunity to support farmers by just purchasing beer.

Throughout this year-long program, the brand has promised to help farmers convert six square feet of farmland to organic for every six-pack of beer that’s sold. 6-For-6 Pack is an extension of the brand’s Contract for Change program, which pays farmers a premium for their transitional barley and guarantees purchase of their organic barley at an even greater premium after the three-year transition process is over. Michelob Ultra Pure Gold is running a full digital campaign around the program, which will include stories of the farmers they’re working with and a running total of how much land has been converted.      

Although a good attempt at branding and corporate citizenship, the program didn’t seem to resonate with consumers. Many took their opinions to social, saying it’s inauthentic, uneducated and will not make a true impact on farmers. This campaign shows how important it is to sell consumers on the actual value, not just market an idea that sounds good.