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Lululemon’s new campaign, #GivePresence kicked off with a YouTube video that showcased multiple spokespeople reminding everyone of what really matters in life and especially this time of year – your time and presence.

The video addresses the power that people feel the need to be constantly connected and the importance of learning to savor the current moment.

Lululemon partnered with Felt, a company that helps consumers create their holiday cards or handwritten notes to friends and family using their iPad. The campaign also hosts a site featuring athlete’s, who exemplify the meaning of “Give Presence,” stories of healthy living, gift ideas and how to stay balanced during this season.

Jean-Marie Shields, vice-president of global brand at Lululemon further explained the campaigns message, “we’re constantly evolving, and the Give Presence campaign message is about placing our community values front and center and connecting it with our online experience.” Utilizing the hashtag allows consumers to engage with Lululemon and help spread the word through the New Year.

Share with us how you plan to #GivePresence and spread the word.