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JCPenney’s #JustGotJingled campaign is taking a social approach to spread holiday cheer this year.

Rather than focusing on hot deals or new products, the retailer is highlighting consumers’ random acts of kindness to promote the power of giving. To kickstart the campaign, the company posted a video on Facebook in which random customers were asked to buy presents (on JCP’s behalf) for other random shoppers – all to encourage a “pay-it-forward” behavior with the #JustGotJingled. The video is also featured on the holiday microsite,, which is aggregating random acts of kindness across social media. The site is pushing consumers’ tweets and Instagram posts live in real time, while also directing them to its “Random Acts of Jingle” Pinterest board, which gives consumers hundreds of good deed ideas. By tapping into the emotional side of giving, JCPenney is creating a viral holiday campaign that captures the essence of the season. Read more about the campaign on Adweek.