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In new month-long Halloween campaign Divine the Darke, Jägermeister engages with fans through an augmented reality experience on Snapchat.

By scanning snap codes on a variety of the brand’s products at bars and stores or swiping up on Snapchat ads, users can unlock this fortune-telling feature. Once unlocked, the user will be presented with a tarot card that they can tap in order to reveal what’s on the other side. Not only does it tell your fortune, but it also shares your “cocktail fate,” special instructions on how you should drink Jägermeister that night as a mixed cocktail or shot.  After only 18 days of this campaign, the brand was able to drive 32 million impressions.

With a focus on millennials, Jägermeister found a way to authentically engage with their fans on a night out instead of being another interruption. As an adventurous generation, many people are willing to try new things or at least be the first to post on social media about it. This campaign gives people a reason to talk about the brand and reveals that there are many more ways to drink Jägermeister than just as a shot.