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On National Day of Unplugging, Hinge encouraged users to go out on a real date by offering to pick up the check.

Any user who paused their account on Friday, March 6th and set up a date within 24 hours starting at 4 p.m. ET had a chance at receiving a $100 gift card from the dating app. Users were required to visit a microsite to fill out a “We Met” survey using the name and email address associated with their account, and the first 250 users to do so by March 8th received an e-gift card. Hinge based this promotion on the fact that 80 percent of members say they’d benefit from less screen time, which also ladders up to its larger “Designed to be Deleted” messaging that encourages members to go on dates in hopes they find someone that’s worth deleting the app for.

This promotion is a great way for Hinge to really push its branding as a dating app focused on relationships and meaningful connections. It also allows users to learn about the app’s “Wet Met” function, which allows for better matchmaking through member feedback and provides Hinge with data to tout the app’s success.