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The blend of ketchup and mayonnaise might not be a completely revolutionary idea but by activating their consumers, Heinz was able to build mass excitement around the condiment’s United States debut.

After fans saw that the blended sauce, called “Mayochup,” was available in the Middle East they took to Twitter. Heinz picked up on the buzz and released a poll, asking fans to vote whether or not they would like Mayochup to be sold in stores in the U.S. With over 510,000 “yes” votes, the brand promised to bring the condiment to shelves. However, more recently, Heinz released another poll, this one determining where the sauce would make its debut.

Consumers across the nation were able to vote between Chicago, Culver City and Brooklyn with the winning city receiving a special food truck activation complete with free fries and lots of Mayochup. Brand fans living outside those cities will soon be able to grab a bottle of the new sauce at their local food retailers.

What is most interesting about this release is the level of two-way dialogue between the brand and its fans. Involving consumers in product releases is nothing new, but letting fans orchestrate the entire process, from if the product will be introduced, to what it will be called and eventually where it will be released shows the shift in the industry. Brands need to show their consumers they are valued and important to keep their loyalty. What better way to do this than having fans create the entire experience?