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Across the pond, the folks at Carlsberg had a wildly genius idea to turn a billboard into something consumers would want to interact with.

How did they do this? By outfitting the billboard with a tap handle for consumers to pour a free, frothy pint. The billboard was set up at The Old Truman Brewery in London. Brand representatives were on site to help ensure all drinkers were of legal age. The headline, “Probably the best poster in the world” is hard to argue with. Carlsberg is definitely garnering attention with the stunt and goes in line with the brand’s objectives. Senior Brand Manager Dharmesh Rana said, “We want to get the Carlsberg brand in front of as many beer drinkers as possible. To do this, we have to think differently with our approach and can’t just rely on great TV advertising.” In a time where beer and spirit ads are everywhere, it’s refreshing to see how a simple, yet unexpected approach can create real buzz among consumers who are highly perceptible to marketing tactics.