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After hearing some complaints from Bronx locals about the influx of tourists in their neighborhood, Burger King decided to reward these residents with free Whoppers.

Once the new Joker movie was released in theaters last year, the stairs on Shakespeare Avenue became a new tourist hot spot. What used to be a local landmark is now an Instagram playground for tourists all over the world. In hopes to lighten the mood of these annoyed locals, Burger King is giving out free Whoppers to those living in the neighborhood from the day of the film’s DVD release until January 12th. All they have to do is use the code KINGSTAIRS on Uber Eats to enjoy their well-deserved prize. Burger King also created a short video for the promotion that starts with “Dear Bronx, we know clowns can be annoying,” adding a nice little jab to its top competitor.       

Burger King is constantly finding incredibly simple yet creative ways to insert itself into conversations on trending topics. Through this promotion, the brand was able to sympathize with these locals while simultaneously touting its delivery service.