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This holiday season, high-end Italian apparel manufacturer Bottega Veneta wants to give its fans the personalized shopping experience they‘d typically receive in-store— but from an app instead of a salesperson. Bottega Veneta has launched a Facebook app that, once their page is Liked, allows users to take a quick quiz that serves up a style profile and suggested gifts from their catalog based based on the consumer’s preferences. According to social media marketer Brian Honigman, the Bottega Veneta’s app allows for “more interaction with their audience than a more traditional gift guide would allow.” As many holiday-shopping consumers can attest to, the stress of having someone on his or her holiday gift list with no idea what to get them causes a dark, sinking feeling to amass inside of them. By replicating the experience users would get from an in-store sales team member, Bottega Veneta is hoping to give a personalized experience that will lead to higher online sales, better online conversions rates, and an overall more special, pleasant shopping experience during the holidays. Find out more about the Bottega Veneta app.