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Best Buy has partnered with eBay’s RedLaser to provide special offers to consumers as soon as they walk in the store. The partnership uses geofencing to target shoppers and offer relevant information while increasing foot traffic. RedLaser Barcode Scanner app is a free shopping app that allows the consumer to buy products directly from their phone, find local prices, compare product prices to other stores and more. This unique mobile commerce app allows Best Buy to offer local discounts and special services depending on the location of the user. The RedLaser app has recently been upgraded with a number of new features including a daily deals feature and a loyalty rewards feature. The daily deals feature allows consumers to look for coupons and offers that apply to the store. The loyalty rewards feature lets consumers not have to worry about carrying a card. Best Buy offers the consumer a more personalized experience through geofencing and is able to drive in-store traffic. Toys R Us and GNC have also partnered with RedLaser to provide convenience to their consumers. Read more here.