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To help a few of the many breakups that likely happened after months of quarantine, Babe Wine and Bumble teamed up on a promotion to cover moving costs.

Anyone hoping to escape living with their ex could enter for a chance to win by tagging themselves on Babe’s Instagram post. The five lucky winners received a $600 prepaid card for moving expenses, a $100 credit for Babe Wine, and a variety of branded swag. Although they didn’t create an actual moving company, Babe and Bumble created a mock one called B&B Movers, complete with fake flyers and trucks. Some of their “services” included moving furniture, removing all traces of your ex from your phone, and creating the perfect Bumble profile. The promotion ran from July 29 to August 6.

With such a timely, relatable, and humorous campaign, Babe was able to drive follower growth and engagement on Instagram as users tagged and shared the posts with friends. Adding the partnership with Bumble not only made a ton of sense but also allowed the brand to expand its reach, especially within the younger segment of drinkers Babe is targeting.