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What could be better than sitting on your couch all weekend watching an entire season of your favorite TV show? Nothing, and Amazon Prime is joining the bandwagon of catering to viewers just like you.

While there are plenty of complete seasons of shows to watch on Amazon Prime, the real question is how readily available are they? I mean who really wants to wait months or even years just to see a missed season of their favorite TV show? Well, NBC is betting that people will be more willing to watch a second season if they just finished the first. Amazon Prime’s plan: release the entire first season of Hannibal on Amazon Prime to gain more momentum for the second season which premieres February 28th. AMC’s Breaking Bad used this same windowing strategy to pump up viewings for their fifth season.

Releasing an entire season at one time is nothing revolutionary but it’s figuring out where and when to release them that’s becoming the next challenge for media companies.

So, is binge viewing something you do on a regular basis? Or are you the type that prefers to get out and create your own story? Find out more at here.